Kategori: History

Bu kategoriyle ilgili gönderiler aşağıda listelenmiştir.

Selected biographies of Kurdish historical figures featured on KURDISTANICA history section. You can joing this project by writing a shortbiography…
The glazed bricks from Bukan: new insights into Mannaean art
Yousef Hassanzadeh; Antiquity Vol 80 No 307 March 2006 Mannaean studies as an independent field began with the discovery of…
Historians & Kurdologists
KURDISTANICA needs your scholarly expertise in this area. Please register with us and help collecting information in this subject area.…
Modern History
1915 up to Present The idea of a nation-state in the modern sense and on the European model was more…
Early Modern History
1497 - 1918 This period in the history of the Kurds is one of steady decline in every aspect of…
Medieval History
600 AD - 1600 AD This vibrant period of Kurdish history is marked by the reemergence of Kurdish political power…