Kategori: History related articles

Bu kategoriyle ilgili gönderiler aşağıda listelenmiştir.

Kurdistan, Where Historical Credit is Due
By Mehrdad R. Izady, 1992 In correspondence with the prestigious British scientific journal, Nature (Vol.360,5, Nov. 1992, p.24), Rudolph Michel of…
Desperately Seeking Full-Time Kurdologists
By Prof. Mehrdad Izady A most important first step in launching the field of Kurdish studies is the creation of…
Are Kurds Descended From the Medes?
Prof. M. R. Izady A few years ago, I was given a letter from an American, non-academic individual, asking "Are Kurds…
A history of Kurdish navigation
By Prof. M. R. Izady General history One of the least-known-and most fascinating-chapters in Kurdish history is the long-lasting participation…
The glazed bricks from Bukan: new insights into Mannaean art
Yousef Hassanzadeh; Antiquity Vol 80 No 307 March 2006 Mannaean studies as an independent field began with the discovery of…
In Guti we Trust
Prof. M. R. Izady Recently I came across a new, and otherwise excellent pictorial book on Kurdish costumes and fabrics. In…