Kategori: History related articles

Bu kategoriyle ilgili gönderiler aşağıda listelenmiştir.

Archaeology of Kurdish Clan Names
  M R Izady A. Introduction and a survey of the relevant primary sources: Detailed study of clan names among…
From Ducats to Dollars
Idris Bitlisi had arrived to offer to deliver up Kurdistan to the Ottomans for a mere 25,000 gold ducats.
The first documented resettlement of Kurds
The First Documented Resettlementof Kurds into Western and Southwestern Anatoliacirca 181 BC By: M. R. Izady, July 1998 During the Seleucid/Macedonian…
The drowning of the Kurdish historical and artistic heritage
By Prof. Mehrdad R. Izady The late Dr. Henny Harald Hansen (1900-93) will long be remembered for her many authored and…
The Sharafnama of Bitlisi: manuscript copies, translations and appendixes
by Anwar Soltani Presented to the International Conference on the Sharafnama in Berlin, 1-3 May, 1998 THE MANUSCRIPTS Soon after…
Sharafkhan Bidlisi
By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli Sharafkhan Bidlisi (Kurdish: Mír Sheref el Dín Bitlísí) was born to a ruling family from the…
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