Kategori: Culture

Bu kategoriyle ilgili gönderiler aşağıda listelenmiştir.

National Birds
Red-legged partridge with scientific name "Alectoris rufa" calls "Kew, kev, Kewk, keví, and kevkí" in Kurdish. Red-legged partridge is normally 33…
National Anthem
Sirúdí Níshtimaní Kurdistan, Ey reqíb Ey reqíb her, mawe qewmí Kurd ziman Nayshékiné daneyí topí zeman (2) Kes nellé Kurd…
Cultural characters
Flag of Kurdistan National Anthem National Birds Kurdish Currency The National Goat - KELL
Kurdish Currency
The Kurdish national currency KURO inherited its name from a common combined word in Kurdish language. KURO is combined of Kur -which…
Flag of Kurdistan
The National Flag of Kurdistan INTRODUCTION: The aim of this document is to introduce in brief the history of the…