Kategori: G

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By Prof. M. R. Izady The geopolitics of Kurdistan has effectively precluded the formation of an independent Kurdish state in this…
Plotting the Geographical Distribution of Kurds.
By Prof. M. R. Izady Like many other aspects of their national existence and identity, the extent of the areas…
Boundaries & Political Geography
By Prof. M. Izady The vast Kurdish homeland consists of about 200,000 square miles of territory. Its area is roughly…
The National Goat - KELL
Origin The goats were the first livestock animal to be domesticated. The pinpoint this landmark moment: 10,000 years ago in…
The vast Kurdish homeland consists of about 200,000 square miles of territory. Its area is roughly equal to that of…
Witness to Genocide
Forensic archaeologists uncover evidence of a secret massacre—and help convict Saddam Hussein of crimes against humanity. In May 1988, a…