Kategori: B

Bu kategoriyle ilgili gönderiler aşağıda listelenmiştir.

An Excerpt from Fateful Triangle
By Naom Chomski, " Updated Edition, June 1999" One of the best books for Naom Chomski being updated it includes…
Bibliographic review
KURDISTANICA publishes reviews of bibliographic records related to Kurdistan in any languages. We encourage our callers to submit their reviews.…
KURDISTANICA tend to use its global network to collect bibliographic records on Kurds and Kurdistan. Individual can submit records of…
Selected biographies of Kurdish historical figures featured on KURDISTANICA history section. You can joing this project by writing a shortbiography…
The glazed bricks from Bukan: new insights into Mannaean art
Yousef Hassanzadeh; Antiquity Vol 80 No 307 March 2006 Mannaean studies as an independent field began with the discovery of…
Soviet Plans for Baba Gurgur
Henry D. Astarjian With Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech, which marked the inception of the cold war, Soviet propaganda in the…