Kategori: B

Bu kategoriyle ilgili gönderiler aşağıda listelenmiştir.

From Ducats to Dollars
Idris Bitlisi had arrived to offer to deliver up Kurdistan to the Ottomans for a mere 25,000 gold ducats.
Bâbism was formed in Persia in 1844 by Mirzâ Ali Muhammad (1819-1850), the Bdb, or "the portal" (to the Deity). Bdb, or Bdbtl, standing…
The Sharafnama of Bitlisi: manuscript copies, translations and appendixes
by Anwar Soltani Presented to the International Conference on the Sharafnama in Berlin, 1-3 May, 1998 THE MANUSCRIPTS Soon after…
Sharafkhan Bidlisi
By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli Sharafkhan Bidlisi (Kurdish: Mír Sheref el Dín Bitlísí) was born to a ruling family from the…
Prince Sharaf al-Dîn Bitlîsî
Prince Sharaf al-Dîn Bitlîsî By Prof M.R. Izady Although primarily a collection of dynastic histories, there is little doubt that the…
National Birds
Red-legged partridge with scientific name "Alectoris rufa" calls "Kew, kev, Kewk, keví, and kevkí" in Kurdish. Red-legged partridge is normally 33…