Kategori: D

Bu kategoriyle ilgili gönderiler aşağıda listelenmiştir.

Kurdish dialectology
Dialectology is a sub-field of historical linguistics, the scientific study of linguistic dialect. It studies variations in language based primarily on…
Legal documents
The Legal Documents section of KURDISTANICA provides agreement and Treaties which historically and politically have made an impact of the…
Abu-Hanifa Ahmad Dinawari
The 1,100th Anniversary of a World-Class Kurdish Scholar By Prof. M. R. Izady The year 1996 marks the 1,100th anniversary of…
Kurdish-Turkish Dictionary
Title Kurdish-Turkish Dictionary Publication Type Book Year of Publication 1967 Authors Anter, Musa Publisher Yeni Matbaa City Istanbul Publication Language…
Urartian Red Burnished Pottery From Diyarbakir Museum
Urartian Kingdom has not only become known by its organized state structure, advanced architecture, irrigation system, superior quality metal workmanship…