
Tüm gönderiler aşağıda listelenmiştir.

Manifesto of the Kurdish People
Manifesto of the Kurdish People for the Creation of a Free, Independent and Unified Homeland 1996 Justice dictates that all…
Included in agricultural production are animal products. The most important animals have been traditionally sheep and to a lesser extent…
The Water
In an otherwise water-starved region, Kurdistan is blessed with abundant precipitation. The generous regime has made Kurdistan one of the…
The Oil
Kurdistan has among the largest oil reserves in the Middle East and the world. With about 45 billion barrels, Kurdistan…
Marco Polo writes of the Kurds of the area between Mus, Mardin, and Mosul, and reports they produced cotton "in…
Kurdistan's wealth of high-grade pasture lands has long made it suitable for a pastoralist economy, but it is equally suitable…
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