Text of the Letter by Envoys of Sultan Murat IV to the Envoys of Shah Safi I, containing the Ottoman Boundary Claims with Persia
Reaffirmed, 4 September 1746, 28 July 1823, 31 May 1847
Translation is from the text composed for the Ottoman delegation
[British and Foreign State Papers, 105: 763-66, 1847]
Praise to God, the Holy, the Gracious, the bestower of Victory; Who has opened the door of peace and concord with the key of the words: “Verily I wish nothing so much as reconciliation,”… On the 14th day of Muharram, in the year 1049 of the hegira of the Prophet, upon whom be the best benedictions, a Divan was held in the Imperial Camp at Zahab, in which were present the illustrious Vizirs, the Miri Miran, the Comannders and Agas, the Aga of the Janissaries, six Agas of six Companies, and other officers of the army. Saroukhan, the Plenipotentiary who was duly accredited, and the Ambassador Mehmed Culy Bey, were introduced in the Divan, and the preliminaries were discussed with them so as to put on a good footing the poistion of the Rayas and of the poor who are a trust imposed by the Author of all beings, and the result of the discussions on both Parties has been written down and is as follows:
Tzanan, Bedrie, Mendelgeen, Dertenk and Dernai, in the Pashalik of Bagdad, will remain under the authority of our august Padishah [the Sultan], who will also take possession of the Plains between Mendelgeen and Dertenk. The Mountain will remain under the authority of the Shah. Serminil is fixed as fronier between Dertenk and Dernai. That part of the country of Haronia [lower Hawraman], occupied by the Tribes of Djaf and Zilja Uddin, will belong to the Sultan. Pezai and Zerdony remain to the Shah. The fortress of Zindjir, which lies on the top of the [frontier] Mountain, shall be demolished; the Sultan will take possession of Villages lying westward of it, and the Shah will take possession of those lying eastward. The Villages on the Mountain above Sailm Calè near Chehrezor, will be in the possession of the Sultan, and the Villages lying on the East, will be in possession of the Shah, who will also keep the Castle of Orman with the Villages which are dependent on it. The defile leading to Chehrezor has been established as frontier. The fortress of Kizilidji [Surkhalija] with its dependencies shall remain in the possession of the Sultan; and Mihreban with the dependencies thereof, in that of the Shah. The fortresses of Cotour and Makoo on the frontier of Van, and the fortress of Magazberd towards Kars and Van, will be demolished by the two Parties, and so long as the Shah will not have molested the fortresses of Akiskha, Kars, Van, Chehrezor, Bagdad, Bassora [Basra] and other Places within the limits, such as fortressess, forts, Districts, lands, hills and mountains, and to no such horribel act as provoking to rebellion shall have been committed by Him, on their part also His Majesty our Great Padishah [the Sultan] will respect the Peace, and no molestation shall, contrary to Treaty, be done to the places which remain within the limits of the other side.
In order, therefore, that Merchants and travellers belonging to either Party may come and go and meet with a friendly reception, I have, in viture of my full power and poistive authority wirtten down this egregious Treaty, the contents of which are true, and sent it to His Majesty the Shah, and to our most August Padishah. So long as the Shah shall, according to the Sacred Text: “Do not violate an agreement after ye have done it” observe this treaty as it ought to be observed, His Imperial Majesty, our most Magnificent Padishah also, will act in obedience to the Holy Command: “Fulfil your agreement, for an agreement is obligatory.”
This Happy Peace will last and be maintained, with the permission of God, til the day of resurrection: “And he who shall alter it after having heard it, verily this sin shall be upon those who shall have altered it.”
Praise to God; He is the sole God, and blessings upon him after whom there will be no Prophet. In the beginning; and in the end; and externally; and internally…
The spelling system is that which was common in English in 1847 when this translation was attempted. There are no typographical errors.